Interesting weirdos can be observed in just about any public venue, including an apartment complex or the gym. If you want to discover an odd nexus of socially inept dorks with Final Fantasy tattoos, white trash dudes on steroids and militant lesbians with anger...
What’s new in the wide world of crazy internet searches? Elf porn, cuck foot fetishes and more Craigslist weirdos, that’s what! Let us gaze into the abyss of Google Analytics and see what strange search terms brought people to these...
Today marks the proudest day in my entire life. Prouder than that time I graduated college. Prouder than when Arnold Schwarzenegger shook my hand for heroically saving Sandusky, Ohio’s cutest kitten from a burning building. That’s right, today is the day I...
Ah, Facebook! The world’s largest data-mining timesuck. Unfortunately, social networking is a necessary evil – especially when it takes a month for a friend to answer an email or phone call but thirty seconds to reply to a Facebook message. For the low,...
A while ago I wrote a Craigslist ad based around a straight edge theme. Turns out that this is a bad idea – apparently the only girls who want to date straight edge guys are either fucked-up single moms looking for a knight in shining armor or kooky religious girls...
Have you ever been in a Walmart parking lot in rural Illinois at 3 in the morning and seen an Asian guy with a $3000 camera taking a picture of a stop sign for god knows why? Congratulations, you’ve encountered a Japanese tourist! They’re real,...