The Top 10 Metal Albums of 2013

The Top 10 Metal Albums of 2013

Wow, it’s December already? Time flies when you’re living a fast-paced, money-and-bitches lifestyle. I mean, I would imagine. I pretty much sit around all day drawing shit and then I go to the gym. Anyway, 2013 was an amazing year for heavy metal, so here...
Super Cute Alpaca Illustration! Omg Wow!

Super Cute Alpaca Illustration! Omg Wow!

Even though I’m a heavy metal-blasting, weightlifting super gym bro, I have a secret weakness – cute and fuzzy animals! A cute puppy or kitten is pretty much the cure for all emotional ailments. Girlfriend/boyfriend dumped you for leaving the toilet seat...

Super Mario Has A Super Serious Drug Problem

When I was a kid we used to beat up other kids, take their lunch money, shoot up heroin and play Super Mario World until we puked all over each other’s shoes. That’s what happens your parents are hippies and hook you up with a limitless supply of sugary...