Halloween is right around the corner, so it’s time to draw something weird! As more and more of my friends are cranking out children, I’m occasionally exposed to some bizarro kid television. The award for Creepiest Children’s Show Ever belongs to thankfully-cancelled PBS series “Teletubbies.” Seriously, who created this shit? They’re probably wearing a mask made of human flesh at this very moment.

Anyway, Teletubbies was weird enough on its own to turn your kid into a serial killer, so in honor of Halloween’s approach I upped the weird factor by zombifying the purple Teletubbie. Or is it “Teletubby?” What’s the singular version? Whatever. Gather ’round kiddies, while I show you this undead horror from beyond the children’s entertainment grave!

Zombie Teletubbie

If those empty, staring eyes and pulsing zombie brains don’t inspire some Halloween nightmares, I don’t know what will. Well, other than sitting through an actual episode of Teletubbies.