What’s new in the wide world of crazy internet searches? Elf porn, cuck foot fetishes and more Craigslist weirdos, that’s what! Let us gaze into the abyss of Google Analytics and see what strange search terms brought people to MattLawrence.net these...
When it comes to search terms, the denizens of the internet never let me down. February brought thousands of sane, regular people to Mattlawrence.net searching for granny porn, pet squirrels, fat booty midgets, and of course, Native American orgasms. Take a look at...
It’s been a few months since I’ve done a search term update, and in the meantime I’ve gotten more than a few entertaining queries courtesy of The Google. Whether you’re trying to fuck your grandma or simply wondering about airbrushed buttholes,...
It’s November, and that means you better start mentally preparing yourself for Thanksgiving and all your family’s needy bullshit. As always, its time for a monthly recap of all the search terms that weirdos used to find my blog. October saw an explosion of...
Uh oh, it’s the end of September already! That means it’s time for pumpkins, ghoulish costumes and a river of Halloween candy-induced ‘beetus. The first of the month is also the magical time when I gather up the strangest search terms from across the...